
Port wine homebrew recipes
Port wine homebrew recipes

port wine homebrew recipes

  • 2 oranges, with peel, preferably organic.
  • However, dandelion flower wine was considered so therapeutic to the kidneys and digestive system that it was deemed medicinal even for the ladies.“Īdapted from Dandelion Medicine, in combination with my mother's recipe. In the late 1800s and early 1900s, it was not proper for ladies to drink alcohol. “ Dandelion wine, believed to be of Celtic origin, is regarded as one of the fine country wines of Europe. That way, you won't have trouble with the flower heads closing before you have time to clean them. If you are working alone, it may be best to pick some of the flowers needed, remove petals, then pick more flowers and repeat. Once they close, it's tough to get the petals off. You want to remove the petals as soon as possible after picking, as the flower heads close over time. The boys and I sat down to a session of “second picking” to remove the yellow petals from the blossoms. Never ferment in aluminum or iron, as it can react with the wine. If you don't have enough dandelion petals from one picking, go ahead and freeze the petals until you have enough.Īll your fermentation vessels should be glass, ceramic, stainless steel or food grade plastic. Not 3 quarts of flower heads, 3 quarts of petals only. I use 3 quarts of loosely packed yellow dandelion petals. My neighbor made this mistake when she tried to make dandelion wine, and she ended up throwing out the whole batch. Leaving the petals attached to the green base of the flower will result in a bitter, unpleasant wine.
  • Recommended materials for Making Dandelion Wineįor dandelion wine, use the yellow flower petals only.
  • #Port wine homebrew recipes how to#

    How to make dandelion wine – Directions.

    port wine homebrew recipes

    Don't Make this Dandelion Wine Mistake!.

    Port wine homebrew recipes